communication tool

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What is communication tools?

It is a process of changing

  • information

  • ideas

  • thoughts

  • feelings

  • emotions

The power of communication tools involved relationship, value, customer, success, and loyalty.


The computer has been used in communication as evident by social networking site as to Facebook, twitter as such. We can talk or chat with friends and families anywhere in the globe through the webcam. We send messenger and information through the interest in just seconds or minutes. 

Communication tools are application which enables easy communication.

Some of the examples of communicative tools are; Email, chat, Skype, Facebook. 


Communicative tools can be divided into two: synchronous-its called as real time in which users must be simultaneously connected Asynchronous- not requiring the people communicating to be logged on the internet at the same time.

Communicative tools can be understood as an application that allows easy communication. In the case of schools and colleges, the communication can be between the teachers and the students or between students outside the physical barrier classroom.Communicative tools include e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, chat, teleconference, and electronic whiteboard. 


Communication tool are the application that enhance the exchange of information through different media. Examples like we chat, email, messenger, face book and blogger.

Communication Tools are the application that use to exchange information across the world through Facebook, messenger, we chat, telegram, and many other means of communication tools.


Integrating communicative tools will depend on the types of communication tool used. There are two types of communication tool: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous communicative tools like video conferencing can be used to monitor the projects of the students or it can be used to give information if the teacher is away from school. Asynchronous communicative tools can be used to give task and assess the work of the students without the need to use paper and pencil.

Students will share their understanding and views and at the same time they will get an opportunity to read and comments that their friends have posted. So, their reading skill, communication skill, and typing skill will developed in a way their critical thinking skill will enhance.



The steps for creating Ednodo in communicative tools are:

  1. Type website as and if you do not have gmail account, you have to create new account. 

    Click on login 

    Type gmail account and password to login

    Use another gmail account

    Click on allow and after that click on I am a student.

    Type your name and insert code cb5zsh.

     Join the class as 4PCD discussion

    Finally read and comment to the question given by the teacher

    Make link to the blogger to Edmodo

    Go to blogger page on communication tool and type link; copy the post link from edomodo and post it on URL in blogger

    Click on OK






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